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 CAD Commands

GROUP command

The GROUP command is used to create and manage the saved object group. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Utilities > GroupMenu : Tools > GroupCommand : GROUP Function Description: Inputting "-group" under command prompt, it will display... Read More


The LIGHTLIST command is used to turn on or turn off the "Lights in Model" palette. Command Access: Menu : View > Render > Light> Light ListCommand : LIGHTLIST Function Description: The "Lights in Model" palette is used to list all lights in... Read More

OLELINKS command

The OLELINKS command is used to update, change and quit existing OLE links. Command Access :  Menu : Edit > OLE Links...Command : OLELINKS Function Description: If there is no OLE links in current drawing, the OLELINKS command will be inactive... Read More

CDORDER command

The CDORDER command Set the drawing order of selected objects by their color number. Command Access: Command : CDORDER You can specify the drawing order by the color priority, the first color on the left list is in front and the last color is in... Read More


The COMMANDLINE command is used to display command line window. Command Access: Ribbon : View > Palettes > Command LineMenu : Tools > Command LineCommand : COMMANDLINEShortcut : CTRL+9 Function Description: The command line could be fixed... Read More

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