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 CAD Commands

XATTACH command

The XATTACH command is used to attach a DWG file as an external reference. Command Access: Ribbon : Insert > Reference >AttachMenu : Insert> DWG referenceCommand : XATTACH Function Description: When attaching the metafiles in current... Read More

PAN command

The PAN command is used to move view planar to the screen. Command Access: Ribbon : View > Navigate 2D > PanMenu : View > Pan > RealtimeCommand : PAN Command Prompts: Press Esc or the Enter keys to exit, or right click to display the... Read More

PLINE command

The PLINE command is used to create 2D polyline. The 2D polyline is a single object composed by straight-line and arc segments. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Draw > PolylineMenu : Draw > PolylineCommand : PLINE Command Prompts: Specify... Read More

LAYMRG command

The LAYMRG command is used to merge specified layer to target layer and delete previous one. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Layer > LAYMRGMenu : Format > Layer Tools > Layer MergeCommand : LAYMRG Command Prompts: Select object on layer... Read More

MVIEW command

The MVIEW command is used to create and control layout viewport. Command Access: Command : MVIEW Command Prompts: Switching to paper space.Specify corner of viewport or [ON/OFF/Fit/Shadeplot/Lock/Polygonal/Restore/LAyer/2/3/4] : Command Description:... Read More

PUBLISH command

The PUBLISH command is used to publish drawings to DWF files, DWFx files, PDF files or plotter. Command Access: Menu : Application menu > Publish...Menu : File > Publish...Command : PUBLISH Function Description: Users could combine drawing... Read More

VBALOAD command

The VBALOAD command is used to load an overall VBA project to current task. Command Access: Ribbon : Manage > Applications > Load ProjectMenu : Tools>Macro> Load Project... Command : VBALOAD Function Description: The VBA project is saved... Read More


The DRAWORDER command is used to change the drawing order of graph or other objects. Command Access: Menu : Tools > Draw Order > Bring to frontCommand : DRAWORDER Command Prompts: Select object:Enter object ordering option [Above objects/Under... Read More

MVSETUP command

The MVSETUP command is used to set graphics specifications. Command Access: Command : MVSETUP Command Prompts: In the model space, input "MVSETUP" under command prompt, it will prompt as follow:Enter paper space? [No/Yes]:In the named layout (paper... Read More

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