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 CAD Commands

MREDO command

The MREDO command is used restore several actions executed by UNDO or U command. Command Access: Command : MREDOShortcut : CTRL+Y Command Prompts: Enter number of actions or [All/Last]: Relative Glossary: Number of actions : Restore actions of... Read More

MLINE command

The MLINE command is used to create multiple parallel lines. Command Access: Menu : Draw > MultilineCommand : MLINE Command Prompts: Current settings: Justification=Top, Scale=20.00, Style=STANDARD Specify start point or [Justification/Scale/STyle... Read More


The IMPORTHPGL command is used to import a PLT files. Command Access: Command : IMPORTHPGL Command Prompts: Use original file attribute? [Yes(Y)/No (N)]:Specify the insert point<0, 0>:Specify scale factor<1>: Function Description: The PLT... Read More

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