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 Tips & Tricks

Dynamic Block Editor User Interface

You use the Block Editor to define and modify the objects and behavior in a block definition. In the Block Editor, you add parameters and actions, which define custom properties and dynamic behavior. You can access the Block Editor by typing BEDIT... Read More

How to enable object snap to hatch?

There are several users asking, why they can‟t snap to hatch object, the answer is simple, because they did not enable a drafting option to snap to hatch object. To activate it, simply issue OPTION command. In option dialog box, drafting tab, in... Read More

How to cycle commands?

As a new or experience CAD user, you might found that GstarCAD has a lot of commands. Not to mention changing the system variables. Some (well, many...) of them have to be activated from command line. It is very difficult to remember all of them.... Read More

How to change plotter when publishing?

Let‟s say one day your plotter is broken and you need to publish to new plotter. Or you need to plot it on other office that has different type of plotter. Your previous setup will not work. Do you have to modify page setup for all files all over... Read More

How to Fill up an Inserted Table?

Once you inserted a blank table, click any edge of the table. You'll notice blue grips at the ends of the table and also around it. So you can resize (enlarge) width, height by holding and dragging the blue grips. Once you inserted a blank table... Read More

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