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Make Linetype

Creates a linetype based on selected objects. Menu : Express tools>Tools>Make Linetype Command Entry : MKLTYPE Once the command is started, the following window will be displayed. You can find the Line files (*.lin) and apply them to the... Read More

Drag Multiple Lines

You can change the row and column width by dragging the line of the table and the corresponding parts of the line will also change. For example, drag the line you selected to the right side and all the lines in the right side will move to the right... Read More

Flex Connect

This function can extend or cut down the line to the actual intersection or apparent intersection point. Menu : Express>GstarCAD Tools>Flex Connect Command Entry : GXFSS Operation sample1 : 1. Start the command. 2. Select the elongation (or... Read More

Base Point Parameter

Although the majority of parameters only taken into effect when operations are matched with actions, there are exceptions, base point parameter is one of them. 1.Define blocks Define block and draw a circle in the block editor, as shown in the... Read More

Select Objects Individually

You can select one or more objects individually at the Select Objects prompt.   Use the Pick box Cursor Move the pick box cursor over an object and click, you can select objects. If selection preview is turned on, when you move the pick box cursor... Read More

Statistics Blocks Number

You can statistics the quantity of various blocks through this function. Menu : Express>Blocks>Statistics Blocks Number Command Entry : TJNUM Once this command is performed, its dialog box will popup. Under Stat. Condition, you can input a... Read More

Unmask Text

Removes mask from text that has been masked with the TEXTMASK command Menu: Express>Text>Unmask Text Command Entry: TEXTUNMASK Command line prompts as follow: Select text or MText object from which mask is to be removed. Select object: Use an... Read More

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