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Replace Block

In the current drawing, you can use one block to replace another one, moreover, you can purge the unreferenced block when the operation is finished. Menu : Express tools>Blocks>Replace Block Command Entry : BLOCKREPLACE  Select a block to... Read More

Block Editor

You can access the Block Editor by typing the BEDIT command or by double-clicking the block without attribute. The Block Editor ribbon interface will show as below, the black arrows mark the stand for parameters, while the yellow lighting is the... Read More

Edit OLE Objects in Drawings

You can double-click the OLE object to open the source application in a drawing. OLE objects can be selected with any selection method and edited with most editing commands, the Properties palette or grips to make changes. If the aspect ratio is... Read More

Create Single Line Text

Using single-line text, you can create one or more lines (LINE) of TEXT , where each line is an independent object. When you create single-line text, you can start a new line by press ENTER or click in the drawing. When you create single-line text,... Read More

Path Settings

This function is used to set the path of an Excel file. Menu : Express>AutoXlsTable>Path Settings Command Entry : CAOT_AUTOXLSTABLE_USINGPATH Operation steps : 1. Start the command and a dialog box will pop up as below. 2. In the dialog box ... Read More

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