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Draw Freehand Sketches

You can use SKETCH to draw irregular boundaries. Create Sketches You can sketch by using your pointing device like a pen, click to put the "pen" down and start drawing on the screen and click again to lift it up and stop drawing. Sketches can... Read More

Chain Action

If you want to realize a symmetric stretch without changing the keyway center and the length of smaller diameter shaft changes with the stretch at the same time, how can you realize that? 1. Add stretch for Step Shaft Add stretch parameter and action... Read More

Scale Character

In this section, we will explain some Scale characters using XY Parameter and Scale Action in a paired example. 1.Drawing graphics Draw the graphics which need a dynamic block and define them as a block as below:   2.Add XY Parameter Entry Block... Read More

Enter 3D Coordinates

When you create objects in 3D, Cartesian, cylindrical or spherical coordinates are used to locate points. Enter X.Y.Z coordinates 3D Cartesian coordinates determine a precise location by using three coordinate values: X, Y, and Z. Entering 3D... Read More

Get Geometric Information

Calculate distances and angles You can get information about the relation between two points by inquiring distance. You can get information as following: Distance = 1525.7461, Angle in XY Plane = 29, Angle from XY Plane = 0Delta X = 1332.6216, Delta... Read More

Get Selection by Color

Quick select the objects with the same color. Menu : Express>Selection Tools>Get Selection by Color Command Entry : GETCOLSEL Operation steps: 1.Start the command. 2.Select one object and system will take the object's color as target color... Read More

Parameter Value set

For mechanical designs, we often need to stretch the keyway to a certain length. Now, let us see how to realize an accurate stretch. Pick linear parameter in block editor (BEDIT), click entry frame which is on the right side of" distance type" on the... Read More

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