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3DPOLY command

The 3DPOLY command is used to create 3D polylines. Command 3DPOLY   Ribbon: Home > Draw > 3D Polyline Menu:Draw > 3D Polyline Command Prompts Specify start point of polyline: Specify endpoint of line or [Undo]: Specify endpoint of... Read More

Batch Print

Batch print drawings with the same drawing frame attribute. Menu : Express tools>Plot Tool>Batch Print Command Entry : BP Operation steps: 1. Start the command. 2. Specify the type of frame, you can select Layer/ Block/ Polyline so that the... Read More

PDF Import

GstaCAD allows you to import the objects from a PDF file as editable objects.You can access the Import PDF from File-Import-PDF, you can input PDFIMPORT command or click Insert Tab- Import Panel-PDF Import.   Select a PDF file, After clicking open... Read More

Select Multiple Objects

You can select many objects at the at the same time at the Select Objects prompt. Specify a Rectangular Selection Area You can select many object by specifying opposite corners to establish a rectangular area. which objects are selected, depending on... Read More

Draw Lines

You can use the LINE command to generate one or a series of continuous line segments. Each segment is a separate line object, you can assign properties such as COLOR , LINETYPE and lineweight (LWEIGHT) to each line. If you want to connect the... Read More

Get Geometric Information

Calculate distances and angles You can get information about the relation between two points by inquiring distance. You can get information as following: Distance = 1525.7461, Angle in XY Plane = 29, Angle from XY Plane = 0Delta X = 1332.6216, Delta... Read More

Results 21 - 30 of 147