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In this section, we are going to use a rotation parameter and rotate action to add a dynamic rotate function to view index symbols (English system) which are frequently used in architectural drawings. 1. Draw a drawing Draw a view index symbol and... Read More

Scale Character

In this section, we will explain some Scale characters using XY Parameter and Scale Action in a paired example. 1.Drawing graphics Draw the graphics which need a dynamic block and define them as a block as below:   2.Add XY Parameter Entry Block... Read More

Symmetrical Stretch

There is an easy way to realize the two-way stretch which is adding two actions of stretch. Though it can realize a two-way stretch, the action of stretch is independent. The parameter needs some additional setup to realize the two-way symmetrical... Read More

Parameter Value set

For mechanical designs, we often need to stretch the keyway to a certain length. Now, let us see how to realize an accurate stretch. Pick linear parameter in block editor (BEDIT), click entry frame which is on the right side of" distance type" on the... Read More

Linear Stretch

During a mechanical design, we often need to change the position as well as the dimension of the keyway. In this section, we will add Linear Tensile function for the keyway on the step shaft. Add linear parameter   2. Add stretch action Click the... Read More

Results 211 - 220 of 344