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CLIP Command

  Command name: CLIP The new CLIP command crops a block, external reference, image, viewport, and underlay (PDF or DGN) to a specified boundary. The new CLIP command can be used to replace XCLIP, IMAGECLIP, VPCLIP, PDFCLIP and DGNCLIP command... Read More

Free Scale

  Command name: FREESCALE FREESCALE command scales an object without restrictions under three modes; Non-Uniform, Rectangle and Free.  The Non-uniform scale allows to scale X and Y coordinate axis separately. The RectScale allows to scale an... Read More

ATTDEF command, attribute definition

The ATTDEF command is used to create and save data attribute definition in block. Command ATTDEF (display  Definition dialog box), -ATTDEF (display command line prompts) Ribbon: Home > Block > Define AttributeRibbon: Insert > Block... Read More

ALIGN command

The ALIGN command is used to align the selected objects to other objects in 2D or 3D space. Command ALIGN Ribbon:Home > Modify > AlignMenu: Modify > Align Function Description: This command could align the selected objects though... Read More

3DROTATE command, rotate 3D objects

The 3DROTATE command is used to rotate 3D objects around a base point in 3D space.. Command 3DROTATE Ribbon: 3D >3D Operations > Rotate 3DMenu: Modify > 3D Operations > 3D Rotate Command Prompts UCS current positive angle: ANGDIR... Read More

3DPOLY command

The 3DPOLY command is used to create 3D polylines. Command 3DPOLY   Ribbon: Home > Draw > 3D Polyline Menu:Draw > 3D Polyline Command Prompts Specify start point of polyline: Specify endpoint of line or [Undo]: Specify endpoint of... Read More

3DMOVE command

The 3DMOVE command is used to move 3D model to the specified direction and distance. Command 3DMOVE Ribbon: 3D > 3D Operations > 3D MoveMenu: Modify > 3D Operations> 3D Move Command Prompts Select object:Specify base point or ... Read More

3DFACE command

The 3DFACE command is used to create three-sided face meshes or four-sided face meshes in three-dimension space. Command 3DFACE Ribbon : 3D >Mesh>3D Face Menu : Draw > Modeling > Meshes > 3D Face Command Prompts Specify first... Read More

Results 431 - 440 of 473