STRETCH command

The STRETCH command is used to stretch selected objects by crossing-window or crossing-polygon.

Command Access:

Ribbon : Home >Modify > Stretch
Menu : Modify > Stretch
Command : STRETCH

Command Prompts:

Specify base point or [Displacement]<Displacement>:
Specify second point or <use first piont as displacement>:

Function Description:

The STRETCH command could stretch objects partly surrounded in crossing-window. Users could move objects that surrounded in crossing-window; they could also separately select them. Some objects could not be stretched, such as circles, ellipses, and blocks.
The STRETCH command only moves vertexes and endpoints in crossing-window and does not change vertexes and endpoints outside of crossing-window; as well it could not change information of 3D solids, lineweight of polyline, tangent, or curve fitting.

autocad command strength

Relative Glossary:

Base point:
Specify the base point to stretch.
If inputting the second point, the objects will be stretched to a vector displacement from the base point to the second point. Pressing ENTER under the "Specify second point or :" prompt, the objects will be stretched to a vector displacement as X, Y, Z coordinates of the base point.



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Article ID: 2368
Created: August 23, 2021
Last Updated: April 14, 2022
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

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