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Change Layer Settings and Layer Properties

The name of a layer and any properties like COLOR and LINETYPE can be changed, and objects can be moved from one layer to another.

By clicking the icons in the Layer Properties Manager (LAYER ) and in the Layer control on the Layers toolbar, you can change the settings of Layer properties.

  Change Layer Settings and Layer Properties

Undo Changes to Layer Settings

If you need to undo changes you made to layer settings, you can use the Layer Previous function. Layer Previous can undo the changes and restore the original layer settings.

The following changes can not be undone with Layer Previous:

  • Renamed layers: restores the original properties but not the original layer name.
  • Deleted layers: If you delete or purge a layer, using Layer Previous does not restore it.
  • Added layers: If you add a new layer to a drawing, using Layer Previous does not remove it.


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