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DONUT command

The DONUT command is used to create a solid circle or a wide ring. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Draw > Polyline > DonutMenu : Draw > DonutCommand : DONUT Command Prompts: Specify inside diameter of donut <0.5000>:Specify outside... Read More

COLOR command

The COLOR command is used to specify the color of new object. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Properties > ColorMenu : Format > ColorCommand : COLOR ('color for transparent use) (display Select Color dialog box), -COLOR (display command... Read More

GRIPS system variable

Function Description: The GRIPS system variable is used to control the display of grips in selected objects. Type : Integer Saved in : Registry Initial value : 2 Range : 0,1,2 System Variable Value: 0 : hide grips1 : display grips2 : display middle... Read More

Symmetric Draw

No matter it is AEC or MFG industry, there are many symmetric drawing shapes. The usual way to make a symmetric shape is to draw the first half of the shape and then get another symmetric half by copy or mirror.             It is possible to... Read More

How to draw an arc with a specific arc length?

There are some methods that seem to allow you define an arc length. For example; start, center, length. But this is defining the chord length, not the arch length. Calculating the angle using simple mathematics calculation, comparing the arch radius... Read More

Concentric Circle Command

(Enhancement) CONCENTRIC(C) option is newly added in circle command, you can input radius several times to create many concentric circles after specifying the circle center, with this new option, you can get the concentric circle in a simple way.   ... Read More

Results 71 - 80 of 80