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VBARUN command

The VBARUN command is used to run a VBA Macro. Command Access: Ribbon : Manage > Applications >Runs a VBA macroMenu : Tools> Macro > Macros Command: VBARUN Function Description: Uses could use this command to run, edit or delete VBA... Read More

XREF command

The XREF command is used to activate the EXTERNALREFERENCES command. Command Access: Command : XREF Function Description: The Xref Manager dialog box is used to edit and control external reference in current drawing. Relative Glossary: List view... Read More

RUN command

The VBARUN command is used to run a VBA Macro. Command Access: Ribbon : Manage > Applications >Runs a VBA macroMenu : Tools> Macro > Macros Command : VBARUN Function Description: Uses could use this command to run, edit or delete VBA... Read More

U command

The U command is used to quit the latest operation. Command Access: Menu : Edit > Undo Command : U Shortcut : CTRL+Z Function Description: Users could input a U to get back one step. They could also input many times to get to the beginning of... Read More

TEXT command

The TEXT command is used to create a single line text. Command Access: Ribbon : Annotation > Text > Single Line Text Menu : Text > Single Line Text Command : TEXT Command Prompts: Current text style: "Standard" Text height: 2.5 Annotative:... Read More

REDO command

The REDO command is used to restore last action that quits by UNDO or U command. Command Access: Menu : Edit > RedoCommand : REDOShortcut : right-click and select REDO Function Description: This command could restore just one action that quitted... Read More

Results 71 - 80 of 344