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ARC command.

The ARC command is used to create arcs. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Draw> ArcMenu : Draw > ArcCommand : ARC Command Prompts: Specify start point of arc or [Center]: Function Description: Users could create arcs by specifying combinations... Read More

3DFORBIT command

The 3DFORBIT command is used to rotate 3D objects without rolling back. Command Access: Ribbon : View >Navigate 2D>Constrained Orbit > Free OrbitMenu : View >Orbit >Free OrbitCommand : 3DFORBITShortcut : Start any 3D navigation command... Read More

GRIPS system variable

Function Description: The GRIPS system variable is used to control the display of grips in selected objects. Type : Integer Saved in : Registry Initial value : 2 Range : 0,1,2 System Variable Value: 0 : hide grips1 : display grips2 : display middle... Read More

CLIP Command

  Command name: CLIP The new CLIP command crops a block, external reference, image, viewport, and underlay (PDF or DGN) to a specified boundary. The new CLIP command can be used to replace XCLIP, IMAGECLIP, VPCLIP, PDFCLIP and DGNCLIP command... Read More

ARRAY Command

New array options are available to create copies of objects arranged in rectangular and polar pattern. The new array is as a whole (dynamic block). It can be dynamically adjusted the number of ranks, spacing and other related parameters through... Read More

Results 121 - 130 of 344