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The  CONVTOSOLID command or click Ribbon- Mesh – Convert to SOLIDto convert eligible objects to 3D solids. Eligible objects include: 3D meshes that completely enclose a volume Surfaces that completely enclose a volume Closed polylines and circles... Read More


You can use the buttons on toolbars to start commands, display flyout toolbars, and display tooltips. Toolbars can be displayed or hidden, docked, and resized. When you move your mouse or pointing device over a toolbar button, the tooltip displays... Read More

Tool Panel

Using the tools in this Tool Panel to define, edit and modify Dynamic Blocks, makes it very convenient and fast. ManageSave or Save as the default block; Create or edit another block. ToolDefine, edit or update the block attribute. ... Read More

Block Editor

You can access the Block Editor by typing the BEDIT command or by double-clicking the block without attribute. The Block Editor ribbon interface will show as below, the black arrows mark the stand for parameters, while the yellow lighting is the... Read More

Save and Restore Layer States

Current layer settings can be saved to a layer state, which can be changed and its layer settings restored to the drawing later. Save Layer States Layer states like on or locked and layer properties (LAYER) are all layer settings, which can be saved... Read More

Results 21 - 30 of 279