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Tool Panel

Using the tools in this Tool Panel to define, edit and modify Dynamic Blocks, makes it very convenient and fast.

  • Manage
    Save or Save as the default block; Create or edit another block.

tools panel - manage

  • Tool
    Define, edit or update the block attribute.

tools panel - tool

  • Parameter
    You can add parameters for Dynamic Blocks on this panel.

tools panel - parameter

  • Action
    You can add actions for Dynamic Blocks on this panel.

tools panel - action

  • Parameter Sets
    You can add the parameter set for Dynamic Blocks on this panel.

tools panel - parameter sets

  • Visibility
    This panel is special used for Visibility editing.

tools panel - visibility

  • Close
    It is used to exit the Block Editor. Before exiting, some commands like save or open etc. might not work.

tools panel - close