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ISOPLANE command

The ISOPLANE command is used to specify the current isometric plane. Command Access: Command: ISOPLANE Command Prompts: Current isoplane: Left Enter isometric plane setting [Left/Top/Right] : Function Description: Moving the cross cursor, it will be... Read More


The HYPERLINK command is used to insert a hyperlink to an object or modify an existing hyperlink. Command Access: Ribbon : Insert > Data > HyperlinkMenu : Insert > HyperlinkCommand : HYPERLINKShortcut : select object including hyperlink and... Read More

ELLIPSE command

The ELLIPSE command is used to create ellipses or elliptical arcs. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Draw > EllipseMenu : Draw > EllipseCommand : ELLIPSE Command Prompts: Specify axis endpoint of ellipse or [Arc/Center]: Relative Glossary:... Read More

DIST command

The DIST command is used to measure the distance and angle between two points. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Utilities > Measure > DistanceMenu : Tools > Inquiry > DistanceCommand : DIST (or 'dist for transparent use) Command... Read More

COPYCLIP command

The COPYCLIP command is used to copy the specified object to clipboard. Command Access: Menu : Edit > CopyCommand : COPYCLIPShortcut : CTRL+C; Right click on the drawing area, click "Clipboard" option, and then select "Copy" option. Command... Read More

BACTION command

The BACTION command is used to add actions to dynamic block definitions. Command Access: Command : BACTION Command Prompts: Select parameter: Enter action type [Array (A)/Move (M)/Scale(S)/sTretch(T)]: Function Description:This command could be only... Read More

ADCENTER command

The ADCENTER command is used to display the Design Center window. Command Access: Ribbon : View > Palettes > Design CenterMenu : Tools > Palettes > Design Center Command : ADCENTERShortcut : CTRL+2 Function Description: This command could... Read More

Results 31 - 40 of 69