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The HIDEOBJECTS command is used to hide selected objects. Command Access: Menu : Tools > Isolation > Hide ObjectsCommand : HIDEOBJECTSShortcut : right-click in the drawing area and select Isolation, click "Hide Objects" Command Prompts: Select... Read More

How to enable object snap to hatch?

There are several users asking, why they can‟t snap to hatch object, the answer is simple, because they did not enable a drafting option to snap to hatch object. To activate it, simply issue OPTION command. In option dialog box, drafting tab, in... Read More

Object Snap +

Now within Object Snap tab, you can find a new added option called Distance from Endpoint. This option allows snap a certain distance from any endpoint of objects like line, arc, spline, pline, ellipse arc, mline and any other lines. As long as you... Read More

Edit Objects + Grips

(Polyline Enhancement) Polyline objects in GstarCAD 2016 now support multifunctional options. The available functions (Stretch, Add Vertex, and Convert to Arc) can be seen by hovering over a grip, and you can choose an option directly from the... Read More

BATTMAN command

The BATTMAN command is used to manage the attribute of specified block. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Block > Manage AttibutesMenu : Modify > Object > Attribute > Block Attribute ManagerCommand : BATTMAN Function description: The... Read More

Results 121 - 130 of 455