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VPOINT command

The VPOINT command is used to set 3D visibility observation direction for drawing. Command Access: Menu : 3D Views > Viewpoint presets…Command : VPOINT Command Prompts: Current View Direction: VIEWDIR=0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000Specify a view point... Read More

TABSURF command

The TABSURF command is used to create meshes by sweeping straight line or curve path along straight line. Command Access: Ribbon : 3D > Mesh > TABSURF Menu : Draw > Modeling > Meshes> Tabulated Mesh Command : TABSURF Command Prompts:... Read More

3D command

The 3D command is used to create 3D polyface meshes with common geometric shapes. Command Access: Command: 3D Command Prompts: Enter an option[Box/Cone/DIsh/Dome/Mesh/Pyramid/Sphere/Torus/Wedge]: Relative Glossary: Box:Create a 3D box polyface mesh.... Read More

3D command

The 3D command is used to create 3D polyface meshes with common geometric shapes. Command 3D Command Prompts Enter an option [ Box/Cone/DIsh/DOme/Mesh/Pyramid/Sphere/Torus/Wedge ]: Relative Glossary:   Box :Create a 3D box polyface mesh... Read More

SOLID command

The SOLID command is used to create solid filled by triangles and quadrangles. Command Access: Command : SOLID Command Prompts: Specify first point:Specify second point:Specify third point:Specify fourth point or :Specify a point on desired side or ... Read More

ROTATE3D command

The ROTATE3D command is used to rotate objects around 3D axis. Command Access: Ribbon : 3D > 3D Operations > Rotate 3D Menu : Modify > 3D Operations > Rotate 3D Command : ROTATE3D Command Prompts: UCS current positive angle: ANGDIR... Read More

Results 1 - 10 of 1479