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SCALE command

The SCALE command is used to zoom in or zoom out the selected objects and keep the proportion the same during the operation. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Modify > ScaleMenu : Modify > ScaleCommand : SCALEShortcut : select the object and... Read More


The PROPERTIES command is used to control the existing objects properties. Command Access: Ribbon : View > Palettes > PropertiesMenu : Modify > PropertiesCommand : PROPERTIESShortcut : select the object and right click, click the ... Read More


The PDFIMPORT command allows you to import the objects from a PDF file as editable objects.You can access the Import PDF from File-Import-PDF, you can input PDFIMPORT command or click Insert Tab- Import Panel-PDF Import. Command Access : PDFIMPORT ... Read More

Results 91 - 100 of 231