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OLELINKS command

The OLELINKS command is used to update, change and quit existing OLE links. Command Access :  Menu : Edit > OLE Links...Command : OLELINKS Function Description: If there is no OLE links in current drawing, the OLELINKS command will be inactive... Read More

FILTER command

The FILTER command is used to create a list, objects in it must meet to certain conditions. Command Access: Command: FILTER (or 'filter for transparent use) Dialog Box Description: The Object Selection Filter Dialog Box is displayed. Filter... Read More

3DMESH command

The 3DMESH command is used to create polygonal mesh in any styles. Command Access: Ribbon : 3D > Mesh > 3D MeshMenu : Draw > Modeling > Meshes > 3D MeshCommand : 3DMESH Command Prompts: Enter size of mesh in M direction: Enter size of... Read More

MTEXTCOLUMN system variable

Function Description: The MTEXTCOLUMN system variable is used to set the default column setting for an mtext object. Type : Integer Saved in : Drawing Initial value : 2 Range : 0,1,2 System Variable Value: 0 : without column1 : adjust the height of... Read More

Results 11 - 20 of 236