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The COMMANDLINEHIDE command is used to hide the command line window. Command Access: Command : COMMANDLINEHIDE Function Description:   If the command line window hidden, users could input commands under dynamic command prompt.             Read More


The COMMANDLINE command is used to display command line window. Command Access: Ribbon : View > Palettes > Command LineMenu : Tools > Command LineCommand : COMMANDLINEShortcut : CTRL+9 Function Description: The command line could be fixed... Read More


The BREAKLINE command Creates a polyline and inserts the breakline symbol. Command Access :  Command : BREAKLINE Menu : Express tools>Draw>Breakline Symbol Function Description :  The options within this command are provided to control the... Read More

Modify Linewidth

Modify the line width you specified, if what you specified is a line and our software will convert the line to Pline automatically and change the line width. This function is similar to the pedit function, we can use it as a shortcut version and it... Read More

Draw Axonometric Line

Using this function can easily draw an axonometric drawing Menu : Express > GstarCAD Tools > Draw Axonometric LineCommand Entry : SALPL Operation steps: 1.Start the command. 2.Input the line width value. 3.The command line will prompt as... Read More

Pline Boolean

The Pline Boolean dialog box is displayed as shown in the following picture.  Menu:  Express>Draw>Pline Boolean Menu:  Modify>Pline Boolean Command Entry: GC_BoolOP Delete the entity choosen by second selection: Choose whether to... Read More

Line Command

ANGLE (A) option is added for line command, with this option you can get a fast way to draw a line without assistance of the polar or a xline. You can directly input the angle value refers to X axis as well as you can take other line as reference to... Read More

Results 271 - 280 of 1224