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DXBIN command

The DXBIN command is used to import DXB (Drawing Interchange Binary) file to current file. Command Access: Command: DXBIN Function Description: The DXBIN file only contains 2D vectors that expressed by binary system of 16 bit integer precision. Those... Read More

DONUT command

The DONUT command is used to create a solid circle or a wide ring. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Draw > Polyline > DonutMenu : Draw > DonutCommand : DONUT Command Prompts: Specify inside diameter of donut <0.5000>:Specify outside... Read More

DIST command

The DIST command is used to measure the distance and angle between two points. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Utilities > Measure > DistanceMenu : Tools > Inquiry > DistanceCommand : DIST (or 'dist for transparent use) Command... Read More

DIMSTYLE command

The DIMSTYLE command is used to create and modify dimension styles. Command Access: Ribbon : Annotation > Dimension >DIMSTYLEMenu : Format > Dimension Style...Menu : Dimension > Dimension Style...Command : DIMSTYLE (display Dimension... Read More


The DIMCONTINUE command is used to create a new dimension that starts from the previously one. Command Access: Ribbon : Annotation >Dimension>DIMCONTINUE Menu : Dimension > ContinueCommand : DIMCONTINUE Command Prompts: Select continued... Read More


The DIMANGULAR command is used to create angular dimensions. Command Access: Ribbon : Annotation >Dimension > AngleMenu : Dimension > AngleCommand : DIMANGULAR Command Prompts: Select arc, circle, line or <specify vertex>:Specify... Read More

Results 461 - 470 of 661