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EXPLODE command

The EXPLODE command is used to explode compound object into components. Command Access: Menu : Modify > ExplodeCommand : EXPLODE Command Prompts: Select object: Function Description: The block, polyline and region could be exploded. Users could... Read More


The DIMORDINATE command is used to create ordinate dimensions. Command Access: Ribbon : Annotation > Dimension > Dimension > OrdinateMenu : Dimension > OrdinateCommand : DIMORDINATE Command Prompts: Specify feature location:Specify leader... Read More

DIMARC command

The DIMARC command is used to create an arc length dimension. Command Access: Ribbon : Annotation > Dimension> Dimension > Arc LenMenu : Dimension > Arc LengthCommand : DIMARC Command Prompts: Select arc or polyline arc segment::Specify... Read More

Arrange Tool

ArrangeTool can quickly adjust the arrangement of multiple objects. It can align multiple objects left, right, top, bottom and center and can also arrange vertical or laterally. Menu :  Express tools>Modify>Arrange ToolMenu :  Modify>... Read More

Results 21 - 30 of 43