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The QUICKCALC command is used to open the QUICKCALC dialog box. Command Access: Ribbon : View > Palettes > QUICKCALCMenu : Tools > Palettes > QuickCalcCommand : QUICKCALCShortcut : right-click and select "Quickcalc"Shortcut : CTRL+8... Read More


The MATERIALS command is used to open the "Materials" dialog box. Command Access: Ribbon : 3D > Render > MaterialsMenu : View > Render > MaterialsCommand : MATERIALS Function Description: Users could browse and manage materials in the ... Read More

GRAPHSCR command

The GRAPHSCR command is used to switch from text dialog box to drawing area. Command Access: Command : GRAPHSCR Function Description: User could press F2 to open and close a text dialog box. This command is ignored in double-screen system. Read More

Results 11 - 20 of 29