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BOUNDARY command

The BOUNDARY command is used to create closed region or polyline. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Draw > Hatch > BoundaryMenu : Draw > Boundary...Command : BOUNDARY (display Boundary Creation dialog box), -BOUNDARY (display command line... Read More

Define Hatch Boundaries

You can select an object to HATCH or fill, or specify an internal point to define a boundary. A hatch boundary or enclosed area can be formed with any combination of objects like LINE , ARC , CIRCLE and polylines (PLINE). Only objects that are in... Read More

Trim to Nested Objects

Trims objects with a block as a cutting boundary. Menu : Express>Blocks>Trim to Nested Objects Command Entry : BTRIM Command line prompts as follow: Select objects or <select all>: Select one or more blocks and press ENTER Select the... Read More

Results 1 - 10 of 23