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SETVAR command

The SETVAR command is used to list or change values of system variables. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Utilities > Measure > SETVARMenu : Tools > Inquiry > Set VariableCommand : SETVAR Command Prompts: Select variable name or [?]:... Read More

LENGTHEN command

The LENGTHEN command is used to change the length of objects and angles of arcs. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Modify > LengthenMenu : Modify > LengthenCommand : LENGTHEN Command Prompts: Select an object or [DElta/Percent/Total/DYnamic]:... Read More


The DRAWORDER command is used to change the drawing order of graph or other objects. Command Access: Menu : Tools > Draw Order > Bring to frontCommand : DRAWORDER Command Prompts: Select object:Enter object ordering option [Above objects/Under... Read More

CHPROP command

The CHPROP command is used to change the properties of an object. Command Access: Command : CHPROP Command Prompts: Select objects:Property to change: [Color/Elevation/LAyer/LType/ltScale/LWeight/Thickness]: Relative Glossary: Color: Change the... Read More

ATTEDIT command

The ATTEDIT command is used to change block attribute information. Command Access: Ribbon : Home >Block> Edit Attributes >MultipleMenu : Modify > Object > Attribute> GlobalCommand  : ATTEDIT (display Edit Attribute dialog box), ... Read More

Results 21 - 30 of 103