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The HYPERLINK command is used to insert a hyperlink to an object or modify an existing hyperlink. Command Access: Ribbon : Insert > Data > HyperlinkMenu : Insert > HyperlinkCommand : HYPERLINKShortcut : select object including hyperlink and... Read More

DIMSTYLE command

The DIMSTYLE command is used to create and modify dimension styles. Command Access: Ribbon : Annotation > Dimension >DIMSTYLEMenu : Format > Dimension Style...Menu : Dimension > Dimension Style...Command : DIMSTYLE (display Dimension... Read More

DELAY command

The DELAY command is used to supply specified time pause in script. Command Access: Command : DELAY Command Prompts: Enter delay time (in million seconds): Function Description: Users could specify delay time. In script, entering delay 1000, the next... Read More

DDTYPE command

The DDTYPE command is used to specify the display style and size of points. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Utilities > Point StyleMenu : Format > Point StyleCommand : DDPTYPE (or -ddptype for transparent use) Function Description: Users... Read More

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