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LIST command

The LIST command is used to display the properties data of selected objects. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Utilities > Measure >ListMenu : Tools > Inquiry > ListCommand : LIST Command Prompts: Select object: Function Description:... Read More

LAYOFF command

The LAYOFF command is used to turn off the layer of selected object. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Layer > LAYOFFMenu : Format > Layer Tools > Layer OffCommand : LAYOFF Command Prompts: Select object on layer to turn off or [Settings... Read More

LAYFRZ command

The LAYFRZ command is used to freeze the layer of selected object. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Layer > LAYFRZMenu : Format > Layer Tools > Layer FreezeCommand : LAYFRZ Command Prompts: Select an object on the layer to be frozen or... Read More

KLL01 command

The KLL01 command is used to sums up selected text or mtext.The selected text can not contain any other characters behind the number and the selected mtext can only contain a row of numerical values without blank spaces. Figures with prefix can also... Read More

CHAMFER command

The CHAMFER command is used to create chamfers for selected object. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Modify > Fillet > Chamfer Menu : Modify > ChamferCommand : CHAMFER Command Prompts: Select first line or [Undo/Polyline/Distance/Angle... Read More

Results 21 - 30 of 75