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Change Dimension Text

Change the dimension content into the specified value Menu : Express>Dimension>Change Dimension Text Command Entry : CHGDIMTXT Command line prompts as follows: Select dimension objects: Select a dimension Currently label content <129.9>,... Read More

Change Character

This function can continuously revise multiple text objects, single line and Mtext are applicable. Menu : Express>Text Tools>Others>Change Character Command Entry : CHGTXT Operation steps: 1.Start the command. 2.Select the text to be... Read More

Unmask Text

Removes mask from text that has been masked with the TEXTMASK command Menu: Express>Text>Unmask Text Command Entry: TEXTUNMASK Command line prompts as follow: Select text or MText object from which mask is to be removed. Select object: Use an... Read More

Statistics Blocks Number

You can statistics the quantity of various blocks through this function. Menu : Express>Blocks>Statistics Blocks Number Command Entry : TJNUM Once this command is performed, its dialog box will popup. Under Stat. Condition, you can input a... Read More

Results 681 - 690 of 805