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CHPROP command

The CHPROP command is used to change the properties of an object. Command Access: Command : CHPROP Command Prompts: Select objects:Property to change: [Color/Elevation/LAyer/LType/ltScale/LWeight/Thickness]: Relative Glossary: Color: Change the... Read More

CHAMFER command

The CHAMFER command is used to create chamfers for selected object. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Modify > Fillet > Chamfer Menu : Modify > ChamferCommand : CHAMFER Command Prompts: Select first line or [Undo/Polyline/Distance/Angle... Read More

CAL command

The CAL command is used to calculate mathematics and geometry expression. Command Access: Command : CAL (or 'cal for transparent use) Command Prompts: CAL>>Expression: Function Description: The CAL is an on-line geometry calculator and... Read More

BVSHOW command

The BVSHOW command is used to make objects visible in current state or in all states. Command Access: Command : BVSHOW Command Prompts: Select objects to make visible:Select object: Function Description: This command could only be used in block... Read More

BOX command

The BOX command is used to create 3d solid box. Command Access: Ribbon : 3D > Modeling > BoxMenu : Draw > Modeling > BoxCommand : BOX Command Prompts: Specify first corner or [Center]: Specify other corner or [Cube/Length]:Specify height... Read More

BLIPMODE command

The BLIPMODE command is used to control the display of blips. Command Access: Command : BLIPMODE Command Prompts: Enter new value for BLIPMODE <0>: Function Description: When the BLIPMODE is ON, there is a temporary "+" marker appears at the... Read More

Results 1191 - 1200 of 1701