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ARC command.

The ARC command is used to create arcs. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Draw> ArcMenu : Draw > ArcCommand : ARC Command Prompts: Specify start point of arc or [Center]: Function Description: Users could create arcs by specifying combinations... Read More

ARC command

The ARC command is used to create arcs. Command ARC Ribbon: Home > Draw> ArcMenu: Draw > Arc Command Prompts Specify start point of arc or [Center]: Function Description: Users could create arcs by specifying combinations of... Read More

Arc-Aligned Text

You can use this function to create Arc-Aligned Text. Menu : Text >Arc-Aligned Text Command Entry: ARCTEXT Operation steps: 1.Start the command. 2.Select an Arc or an Arc- Aligned Text, as shown below. 3.Input texts in "Arc-Aligned Text" dialog... Read More

How to draw an arc with a specific arc length?

There are some methods that seem to allow you define an arc length. For example; start, center, length. But this is defining the chord length, not the arch length. Calculating the angle using simple mathematics calculation, comparing the arch radius... Read More

Overview of Dimension

Linear, angular, radial, ordinate and arc length are the basic types of dimensions. You can create dimensions for selected existing entities by selecting them or picking points within a drawing. Linear dimensions can be horizontal, vertical, aligned,... Read More

DIMARC command

The DIMARC command is used to create an arc length dimension. Command Access: Ribbon : Annotation > Dimension> Dimension > Arc LenMenu : Dimension > Arc LengthCommand : DIMARC Command Prompts: Select arc or polyline arc segment::Specify... Read More

Results 1 - 10 of 54