SAVEAS command

The SAVEAS command is used to save a copy of current drawing with a new name.

Command Access:

Menu : Application menu > Save as...
Menu : File > Save As...
Command : SAVEAS

Function Description:

Users could save the current draw by inputting the file name and specifying the file type in the "Save drawing as" dialog box. The current drawing could be saved in DWG formats and DXF formats. The drawing saved in DXF format will have effect on their performance.
Save file with specified name. If the file already named, it will be saved with a new name. The current drawing could also be saved as a drawing template.
If the FILEDIA system variable is specified to 0, it will display command prompts.


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Article ID: 2338
Created: August 20, 2021
Last Updated: April 11, 2022
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

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