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Modify Polylines

To change the shape of polyline (PLINE) objects or to join separate polylines, you can access editing operations of PEDIT . Polylines can be edited by closing and opening them, or moving, adding and deleting vertices. Joined Polyline Segments If a... Read More

Select Objects Individually

You can select one or more objects individually at the Select Objects prompt.   Use the Pick box Cursor Move the pick box cursor over an object and click, you can select objects. If selection preview is turned on, when you move the pick box cursor... Read More

Linear Stretch

During a mechanical design, we often need to change the position as well as the dimension of the keyway. In this section, we will add Linear Tensile function for the keyway on the step shaft. Add linear parameter   2. Add stretch action Click the... Read More

Linear Movement

Actually, limited to the demand of the material mechanics characteristics, keyway is only allowed to be placed on the central line. So, a horizontal movement is enough for keyway and the movement to other direction is not meaningful. Next we will... Read More

Insert Blocks

Insert Blocks Once a BLOCK is inserted into a drawing, a block reference is created and you can specify its location, SCALE and rotation (ROTATE). Insert a Drawing File as a Block You can INSERT a entire drawing file as a block in current drawing... Read More

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