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Batch Print

Batch print drawings with the same drawing frame attribute. Menu : Express tools>Plot Tool>Batch Print Command Entry : BP Operation steps: 1. Start the command. 2. Specify the type of frame, you can select Layer/ Block/ Polyline so that the... Read More

Modify Polylines

To change the shape of polyline (PLINE) objects or to join separate polylines, you can access editing operations of PEDIT . Polylines can be edited by closing and opening them, or moving, adding and deleting vertices. Joined Polyline Segments If a... Read More

LOAD command

The LOAD command is used to create a shape file and it could be invoked by the SHAPE command. Command Access: Command : LOAD Function Description: Users could input the file name or select it from file list in "Select Shape File" dialog box. They... Read More

3D command

The 3D command is used to create 3D polyface meshes with common geometric shapes. Command Access: Command: 3D Command Prompts: Enter an option[Box/Cone/DIsh/Dome/Mesh/Pyramid/Sphere/Torus/Wedge]: Relative Glossary: Box:Create a 3D box polyface mesh.... Read More

Results 71 - 80 of 82