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The MATCHPROP command is used to apply the properties of selected object to other objects. Command Access: Ribbon : Home> Properties > Match PropertiesMenu : Modify > Match Properties Command : MATCHPROP Command Prompts: Select source object... Read More

LAYTHAW command

The LAYTHAW command is used to frozen all layers in the drawing. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Layer > LAYTHWMenu : Format > Layer Tools >Thaw all layersCommand : LAYTHW Command Prompts: All layers have been thawed.Regenerating model... Read More

LAYOFF command

The LAYOFF command is used to turn off the layer of selected object. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Layer > LAYOFFMenu : Format > Layer Tools > Layer OffCommand : LAYOFF Command Prompts: Select object on layer to turn off or [Settings... Read More

LAYISO command

The LAYISO command is used to hide or lock all layers except the specified one. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Layer > LAYISOMenu : Format > Layer Tools > Layer IsolateCommand : LAYISO Command Prompts: Current settings: Turn off layer,... Read More

LAYFRZ command

The LAYFRZ command is used to freeze the layer of selected object. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Layer > LAYFRZMenu : Format > Layer Tools > Layer FreezeCommand : LAYFRZ Command Prompts: Select an object on the layer to be frozen or... Read More

ELEV command

The ELEV command used to set elevation and extrusion thickness of new objects. Command Access: Command : ELEV (or 'elev for transparent use) Command Prompts: Specify new default elevation <0.0000>:Specify new default thickness <0.0000... Read More

DWGPROPS command

The DWGPROPS command is used to set and display the properties of current file. Command Access: Menu : File > Drawing propertiesCommand : DWGPROPS Function Description: Users could create basic information, keywords, and customized properties and... Read More

DIM/DIM1 command

The DIM/DIM1 command is used to access command in dimension mode. Command Access: Command: DIM or DIM1 Function Description: In the DIM mode, users could use a special set of commands. When using DIM command, it will not stop prompting to input... Read More

Results 51 - 60 of 113