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U command

The U command is used to quit the latest operation. Command Access: Menu : Edit > Undo Command : U Shortcut : CTRL+Z Function Description: Users could input a U to get back one step. They could also input many times to get to the beginning of... Read More


The new Transparency feature in GstarCAD 2017 allows you specify a transparency value not only for hatch and gradient objects but also for an entire layer. Transparency effects can enhance drawings by reducing the visibility of objects that are... Read More


The MATCHPROP command is used to apply the properties of selected object to other objects. Command Access: Ribbon : Home> Properties > Match PropertiesMenu : Modify > Match Properties Command : MATCHPROP Command Prompts: Select source object... Read More

Plot Transparency

Plot Transparency option in plot dialog box, specifies whether object transparency is plotted. This option should only be used when plotting drawings with transparent objects.For performance reasons, plotting transparency is disabled by default. This... Read More

Command Alias

This function allows users to add, modify, delete command alias and shell commands. Menu : Express tools>Tools>Command Alias Command Entry : ALIAS Operation steps: 1.Start the command and a dialog box will pop up. 2.Select commands to be... Read More

SHEETSET command

The SHEETSET command is used to managing large sets of drawings manually can be complicated and time consuming. In GstarCAD the Sheet Set Manager allows you to manage the entire project drawing sheet sets. It can manage all the work flow from sheets... Read More

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