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GC_DZTEXT - Text Incremental Copy

This command can accomplish kinds of incremental methods for text. Menu: Express>Text Tool>Text Incremental CopyCommand Entry: GC_dztext   The incrementation dialog box is displayed: Distance : Specify incremental Distance, you can input... Read More

Change Dimension Text

Change the dimension content into the specified value Menu : Express>Dimension>Change Dimension Text Command Entry : CHGDIMTXT Command line prompts as follows: Select dimension objects: Select a dimension Currently label content <129.9>,... Read More

MTEDIT command

The MTEDIT command is used to edit multi-line text Command Access: Command : MTEDIT Command Prompts: Select an MTEXT object: Function Description: Users could edit formats and contents of selected multi-line text in "Text Formatting" dialog box. Read More

GC_TEXTONLINE : Text on Line

  Menu: Express>Text Tools>Text on LineCommand Entry : GC_textonline   Operation steps: 1. Pick the "text on line" icon. 2. Click one certain point on the line as insert point of the character, as shown in the picture below.   3. Input... Read More

Text Orientation Adjust

This function is used to adjust the alignment of the texts. Menu : Express>Table Tools>Text Orientation Adjust Command Entry : BGJS Operation steps : 1. Start the command. 2. Select the text for adjust. 3. Enter and the command line will... Read More

Change Text Style

This function can change current text style for specified text and single line text , multiline texts are available. Menu : Express>Text Tools>Others>Change Text Style Command Entry : CHGSTY Operation steps: 1.Start the command. 2.Select the... Read More

Results 11 - 20 of 151