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BLOCK command

The BLOCK command is used to create a block definition for specified object. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Block >Make...Menu : Draw > Block > Make...Command : BLOCK (display Block Definition dialog box), -BLOCK (display command line... Read More

3DMOVE command

The 3DMOVE command is used to move 3D model to the specified direction and distance. Command Access: Ribbon : 3D > 3D Operations > 3D MoveMenu : Modify > 3D Operations> 3D MoveCommand : 3DMOVE Command Prompts: Select object:Specify base... Read More

SETVAR command

The SETVAR command is used to list or change values of system variables. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Utilities > Measure > SETVARMenu : Tools > Inquiry > Set VariableCommand : SETVAR Command Prompts: Select variable name or [?]:... Read More

Results 51 - 60 of 74