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FIND command

The FIND command is used to find specified text. Users could replace certain text according to needs. Command Access: Menu : Edit > Find...Command : FIND Dialog Box Description: Find and Replace Dialog Box is displayed. Find What: Specify the... Read More

DELAY command

The DELAY command is used to supply specified time pause in script. Command Access: Command : DELAY Command Prompts: Enter delay time (in million seconds): Function Description: Users could specify delay time. In script, entering delay 1000, the next... Read More

COPYCLIP command

The COPYCLIP command is used to copy the specified object to clipboard. Command Access: Menu : Edit > CopyCommand : COPYCLIPShortcut : CTRL+C; Right click on the drawing area, click "Clipboard" option, and then select "Copy" option. Command... Read More

3DMOVE command

The 3DMOVE command is used to move 3D model to the specified direction and distance. Command Access: Ribbon : 3D > 3D Operations > 3D MoveMenu : Modify > 3D Operations> 3D MoveCommand : 3DMOVE Command Prompts: Select object:Specify base... Read More

Results 71 - 80 of 113