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PLAN command

The PLAN command is used to display the orthogonal view of XY plane for specified UCS. Command Access: Menu: View > 3D View > Plan View > Current UCSCommand: PLAN Command Prompts: Enter an option [Current ucs/Ucs/World] : Relative Glossary:... Read More

MOVE command

The MOVE command is used to move objects by specified distance along specified direction. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Modify > MoveMenu : Modify > MoveCommand : MOVE Command Prompts: Select object: Specify base point or [Displacement] :... Read More

ID command

The ID command is used to display the coordinates of specified UCS position. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Utilities > Measure > ID PointMenu : Tools >Inquiry >ID PointCommand : ID Command Prompts: Specify point: Function Description... Read More

Results 91 - 100 of 191