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Edit AutoXls Table

  Menu : Express tools>AutoXlsTable>Edit TableCommand Entry : _CAOT_AUTOXLSTABLE_EDIT Operation steps: 1.Click Edit Table. 2.Select a table created by AutoXlsTable in GstarCAD then the Excel file will open.   Read More

Create AutoXls Table

  Menu : Express tools>AutoXlsTable>Create Table.Command Entry :_CAOT_AUTOXLSTABLE_CREATE Operation steps: 1. In the AutoXLSTable pull-down menu, click Create Table. 2.Create an Excel spreadsheet or open an existing Excel spreadsheet in... Read More

AutoXlsTable Installation

Please follow the steps below to install AutoXlsTable: Double-click the executable file downloaded and the "AutoXlsTable_InstallShield Wizard" dialog box will pop up. Click “Next” to continue. Select the version of your Microsoft Office and... Read More

Dimtoffset command

Function Description: The DIMTOFFSET system variable is used to control the gap between the dimension line and the dimension text, if the space above the arrows is not enough for the dimension text when you place the dimension below or right the... Read More

System Variable Editor

Allows you to view, save, load and compare system variable settings. Menu: Express tools>Tools>System Variable Editor Command Entry : SYSVDLG System Variables Dialog Box Options: List Box : Displays a list of system variables. The edit field... Read More

Spline to Pline

With this tool the SPline created can be converted to a polyline according to the accuracy (number of segments of the arc) that the user assigns. The more specified the segment number is, the higher is the matching degree between the converted... Read More

Line to Pline

This function can convert one or multiple connected straight line (s), arc (s) to one polyline . You can access it from: Menu : Express tools>Draw>Line to Polyline Command Entry : Line2pl After starting the command, a prompt message will be... Read More

Spline to Line

Converts spline(s) to numbers of straight lines. Menu : Express tools>Draw> Spline to Line Command Entry : SPLINE2LINE Once the command is started, the command line prompts as follows: Select spline or [Set parameters(S)]: Select spline(s) or... Read More

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