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DDTYPE command

The DDTYPE command is used to specify the display style and size of points. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Utilities > Point StyleMenu : Format > Point StyleCommand : DDPTYPE (or -ddptype for transparent use) Function Description: Users... Read More

APERTURE command

The APERTURE command is used to controls the size of the object snap target box. Command Access: Command : APERTURE (or aperture for transparent use) Command Prompts: Enter new value for APERTURE<10>: Function Description: The object snap could... Read More

Drawing Scale

You can set the drawing scale before drawing, when you are using other tools (for example "Line Such as Chord" and "Modify Line width"), our software will adjust the scale automatically Menu : Express>GstarCAD Tools>Drawing Scale Command Entry ... Read More

System Variable Editor

Allows you to view, save, load and compare system variable settings. Menu: Express tools>Tools>System Variable Editor Command Entry : SYSVDLG System Variables Dialog Box Options: List Box : Displays a list of system variables. The edit field... Read More

Dimstyle Export

Exports named dimension styles and their settings to an external file. Menu : Express>Dimension>Dimstyle Export Command Entry : DIMEX Executing this command, starts the following dialog box : Export FilenameCreates a DIM file. Enter the DIM... Read More

Publish Drawings

You can use Publishing (PUBLISH) to create a paper drawing set or an electronic drawing set. You can set options for publishing, such as output file location, DWF type, multi sheet DWF name options, and whether or not to include layer information.... Read More

Edit Groups

Create Groups A GROUPĀ  is a saved set of objects. You can name the groups that you build and add a description for it. Copies of the group will be given the default name as is *Ax and is considered unnamed. .Nested groups can also be ungrouped to... Read More

Results 61 - 70 of 244