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SCRIPT command

The SCRIPT command is used to execute a series of commands from a script file. Command Access: Menu : Tools > Run Script...Command : SCRIPT Command Prompts: The script file is one kind of text file with ".scr" extension. Each line in script... Read More

RESUME command

The RESUME command is used to continue executing the interrupted script file. Command Access: Command : RESUME Function Description: Users could stop a macro script file by pressing Esc or Backspace key. During the process of inputting of a script... Read More

How to add descriptions to blocks ?

GstarCAD has the ability to add descriptions to the block definitions in the drawing. Issue the BLOCK command, select the block from the list at top, then click in the lower 'Description' section and enter the description and finally click... Read More

How to add descriptions to blocks?

GstarCAD has the ability to add descriptions to the block definitions in the drawing. Issue the BLOCK command. Select the block from the list at top. Click in the lower 'Description' section and enter the description. Choose... Read More

Edit Groups

Create Groups A GROUP  is a saved set of objects. You can name the groups that you build and add a description for it. Copies of the group will be given the default name as is *Ax and is considered unnamed. .Nested groups can also be ungrouped to... Read More

DELAY command

The DELAY command is used to supply specified time pause in script. Command Access: Command : DELAY Command Prompts: Enter delay time (in million seconds): Function Description: Users could specify delay time. In script, entering delay 1000, the next... Read More