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WEDGE command

The WEDGE command is used to create 3D solid wedges. Command Access: Ribbon : 3D > Modeling > Box WedgeMenu : Draw> Modeling> WedgeCommand : WEDGE Command Prompts: Specify first corner of [Center]:Specify other corner or [Cube/Length]... Read More

PEDIT command

The PEDIT command is used to edit polylines and 3D polygon meshes. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Modify > PEDITMenu : Modify > Object > PolylineCommand : PEDITShortcut : select the polyline to be edited, right click and select "Polyline... Read More

HELIX command

The HELIX command is used to create a 2D helix or a 3D spring. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Draw > HelixMenu : Draw > Helix. Command : HELIX Command Prompts: Turns=3.0000 Twist=CCWSpecify center point of base:Specify base radius or ... Read More

Results 131 - 140 of 254