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TRIM command

The TRIM command is used to trim object to make it join with other object. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Modify > Trim Menu : Modify > Trim Command : TRIM Command Prompts: Current settings: Project=UCS, Edge=NoneSelect cutting edges..... Read More

TABSURF command

The TABSURF command is used to create meshes by sweeping straight line or curve path along straight line. Command Access: Ribbon : 3D > Mesh > TABSURF Menu : Draw > Modeling > Meshes> Tabulated Mesh Command : TABSURF Command Prompts:... Read More

SKETCH command

The SKETCH command is used to create a series of sketched segments. Command Access: Command : SKETCH Command Prompts: Record increment <1.0000>:Sketch. Pen/eXit/Quit/Record/ Erase /Connect. Function Description: Users could use this command to... Read More

SELECT command

The SELECT command is used to place the selected objects to "last" selection set. Command Access: Command : SELECT Command Prompts: Select object:Expects a point or Window/Last/Crossing/BOX/ALL/Fence/WPolygon/CPolygon/Group/Add/Remove/Multiple... Read More

SCALE command

The SCALE command is used to zoom in or zoom out the selected objects and keep the proportion the same during the operation. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Modify > ScaleMenu : Modify > ScaleCommand : SCALEShortcut : select the object and... Read More

ROTATE command.

The ROTATE command is used to rotate selected object around the specified base point. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Modify > RotateMenu : Modify > RotateCommand : ROTATEShortcut : select object and right-click, and then click "Rotate"... Read More

RECTANG command

The RECTANG command is used to create rectangles. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Draw > Polyline > RectangleMenu : Draw > RectangleCommand : RECTANG Command Prompts: Specify first corner point or [Chamfer/Elevation/Fillet/Thickness/Width... Read More

Results 11 - 20 of 80