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Arc-Aligned Text

You can use this function to create Arc-Aligned Text. Menu : Text >Arc-Aligned Text Command Entry: ARCTEXT Operation steps: 1.Start the command. 2.Select an Arc or an Arc- Aligned Text, as shown below. 3.Input texts in "Arc-Aligned Text" dialog... Read More

Create Multiline Text

A multiline text (MTEXT) object includes one or more paragraphs of text that is manipulated as a single object. You can create mtext in the In-Place Text Editor or an alternative text editor, you can also insert text from a file. The In-Place Text... Read More


The CHANGETEXT command is used to when there are several texts in the drawing which need to be modified, it would be much more tedious and inefficient to modify them one by one. Change text allows users make bulk modifications to several texts. For... Read More

FIELD command

The FIELD command is used to create multiple texts with field. The text could automatically update as the field changing. Command Access: Ribbon : Insert > Data > FieldMenu : Insert > FieldCommand : FIELDShortcut : right-click when editing... Read More

DIMEDIT command

The DIMEDIT command is used to edit dimension text and extension line. Command Access: Ribbon : Annotation > Dimension > Oblique Menu : Dimension > ObliqueCommand : DIMEDIT Command Prompts: Enter type of dimension editing [Home/New/Rotate... Read More

Results 1 - 10 of 165