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LAYUNISO command

The LAYUNISO command is used to restore layers that hidden or locked by the LAYISO command. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Layer > LAYUNISOMenu : Format > Layer Tools > Layer UnisolateCommand : LAYUNISO Command Prompts: Layers isolated... Read More

LAYOUT command

The LAYOUT command is to used to create and modify drawing layout tabs. Command Access: Menu : Insert > Layout > New LayoutMenu : Insert > Layout > Layout from Template...Toolbar : LAYOUTCommand: LAYOUT Command Prompts: Enter layout... Read More

LAYISO command

The LAYISO command is used to hide or lock all layers except the specified one. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Layer > LAYISOMenu : Format > Layer Tools > Layer IsolateCommand : LAYISO Command Prompts: Current settings: Turn off layer,... Read More

LAYFRZ command

The LAYFRZ command is used to freeze the layer of selected object. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Layer > LAYFRZMenu : Format > Layer Tools > Layer FreezeCommand : LAYFRZ Command Prompts: Select an object on the layer to be frozen or... Read More

LAYER command

The LAYER command is used to manager layers and layer properties. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Layer >Layer PropertiesMenu : Format > LayerCommand : LAYER Function Description:   Related tutorial video:     Overview of layer 00:20... Read More

LAYDEL command

The LAYDEL command is used to delete all objects on the same layer. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Layer >LAYDELMenu : Format > Layer Tools > layer DeleteCommand : LAYDEL Command Prompts: Select object on layer to delete or [Name]:... Read More


The INSERTOBJ command is used to insert a link or a embed object. Command Access: Ribbon : Insert > Data > OLE ObjectMenu : Insert > OLE ObjectCommand : INSERTOBJ Function Description If the link information has changed in source files, it... Read More

INSERT command

The INSERT command is used to insert blocks or graphs to current drawing. Command Access: Ribbon : Insert > Block > InsertMenu : Insert > Block...Command : INSERT Function Description:   Related tutorial video:     Layout command 00... Read More

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