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UNION command

The UNION command is used to combine selected 3D solid, surface, or 2D regions by adding operation. Command Access: Ribbon : 3D > Solid Editing >UNION Menu : Modify > Solid Editing> Union Command : UNION Command Prompts: Select object:... Read More

TRIM command

The TRIM command is used to trim object to make it join with other object. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Modify > Trim Menu : Modify > Trim Command : TRIM Command Prompts: Current settings: Project=UCS, Edge=NoneSelect cutting edges..... Read More

TEXT command

The TEXT command is used to create a single line text. Command Access: Ribbon : Annotation > Text > Single Line Text Menu : Text > Single Line Text Command : TEXT Command Prompts: Current text style: "Standard" Text height: 2.5 Annotative:... Read More

TABLE command

GstarCAD provides command group such as TABLEDIT\TABLESTYLE\TABLEEXPORT. It is possible now to create and modify table as well as to define the format of table. It is possible to export the table to CVS file and open it on Microsoft Excel.... Read More

STYLE command

The STYLE command is used to create, modify or specify the text style. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Annotation >STYLE Menu : Format > Text Style ...Command : STYLE Function Description: Inputting "-style" under the command prompt, it... Read More

SPELL command

The SPELL command is used to check the spell of the drawing. Command Access: Ribbon : Annotation > Text > SPELLMenu :Tools > Spell Check Command : SPELL Function Description: Inputting "-spell" under the command prompt, it will display the ... Read More

Results 161 - 170 of 380